Student Planning FAQ
- Log onto Student Planning directly or go your SC4 Student Portal account and follow this path:
Service Center → Student Planning - Access Student Planning Help by clicking the ? Help button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. The help button will provide information specific to the page you are currently viewing.
- If you’ve already applied to SC4 and are unable to log into Student Planning or have other questions, call (810) 989-5500 during business hours (standard business hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). You also can email Enrollment Services at
- Schedule planning is where you can organize your classes for each semester. This tool will allow you to make changes to your class schedule by adding, removing, and rearranging courses for your upcoming semesters.
- Registering for classes is when you finalize your schedule by enrolling into your selected courses. Once you register for your classes, you will be responsible for paying tuition and fees.
- When scheduling, you will not be registered for your planned courses until you click Register Now or Register.

- You may schedule class sections prior to the opening registration date for the semester. This allows you to plan ahead and prepare a schedule that works for you.
Note: During certain times in the academic year, registration may be open for more than one semester (e.g. in the spring, registration is open for both the summer and fall semesters). When planning and scheduling courses, check to ensure you are doing so for your intended semester:

- Once registration opens, you may register for any or all available scheduled sections. For any sections that are closed, you may choose to waitlist, if waitlisting is available, or look for a different section that is available for the desired course.

- Go to Student Planning and select Course Catalog.

- Once you are on the Course Catalog page, you can use the search bar to find specific course subjects, or you can scroll through the list.
- After selecting a course subject, you will be able to see all of the related courses that SC4 offers.
- If you would like to add a course to your course list, you can click Add Course to Plan.

- To see what sections are offered, click View Available Sections. This allows you to add specific course sections to your schedule, as well as your course list.

Note: When adding a new section, the corresponding course will automatically be added to your schedule’s course list.
- There are two ways to register in Student Planning:
- First option:
- On Plan & Schedule:
- To register for all of your planned sections at once, select the Register Now button on the top right. This will register you only for the open sections you have selected. This does not include sections that are already full. If you can’t register for a section because it is full, the register button will not be available. If a waitlist is available for the section, you may add yourself to the waitlist by selecting the Waitlist button.
- Also, you can register for planned sections individually by selecting the Register button at the bottom of each section on the left side of the page. If a section is unavailable, no Register button will appear.
- On Plan & Schedule:

- Second option:
- Log on to your SC4 Student Portal account and follow this path: Service Center → Student Planning.
- Click on the ‘Register’ button.
- You will receive a pop-up box (see above), listing the courses you added to your plan.
- Click the box next to each course you wish to register for and click the ‘Register’ button.
Note: You must go into the Student Planning module to register or drop any waitlisted course.
Tip: During registration transactions, watch for messages that may appear in the Notifications area in the top right corner.
- Schedule your sections in Plan & Schedule.
- In the Schedule tab, on the course list on the left, select View other sections to view the times and dates a course is offered.
- Scroll through the listed sections to see how each section will fit into your schedule. Each section will be highlighted on the calendar to the right.
- Select your desired section, then Add Section to Schedule.
TIP: If there are time conflicts between any of your chosen sections, the sections with time conflicts will have a red border on the timetable.
Keep in mind:
- You can add a section to your schedule whether or not the course is already on your course plan.
- One semester’s schedule can have multiple sections of the same course.
- Courses and sections can be added to more than one term.
Prior to registering, trim down your schedule to just the sections you want.
- When waitlisted for a course, you will be notified via your student email if you are given permission to register.
- From the date of the email, you will have two days to register for the course.
- Student Planning also shows if you have received permission to register for a waitlisted course(s) and the deadline to register. See below for an example:

- From the My Progress tab, scroll down to find courses based on your program’s specific requirements.
- Select a specific course number or select Search within a requirements section. See your search results in the Course Catalog tab.
- Select a course from the search results, then select Add to Course Plan.
Note: You may also:
- Use the Search for Courses field to search for specific courses by course name or course number. See your search results in the Course Catalog tab, then select Add Course to Plan.
- Use the Course Catalog tab to find a course by its subject. Then, select Add Course to Plan.
- Check the semester’s opening registration date. You cannot register for classes before registration opens.
- If you have any restrictions on your record, you may be prevented from registering. When you first log into Student Planning, you’ll see any restrictions under Notifications in the top right corner of the page. You need to resolve your restrictions before you may register for classes.
- If you’re still having issues even if you are eligible for registration, visit the Enrollment Services office in Room 103 of the Welcome Center, or call (810) 989-5500.
- You can drop a registered course during the Add/Drop period for that class.
- Select a section from your current schedule and select Drop.
- In the Register and Drop Sections dialog box, select any additional sections you want to drop or add.
- Select Update to process the changes.
- The planned section will remain on your schedule, but it will no longer show that you’re registered for the course if the drop was successful.
- If you would like additional confirmation that an action you took in Student Planning was processed, visit the Enrollment Services office in Room 103 of the Welcome Center, call (810) 989-5500, or email
- Once the semester’s Add/Drop period has passed, you may no longer drop a class, but you may withdraw from it, and there is no tuition refund.
- Withdrawn courses appear on your academic record with a “W” grade, and you are still financially responsible for the course’s tuition costs.
- ‘W’ grades do not affect your grade point average. However, withdrawals may affect your financial aid eligibility. Before withdrawing from a course, we strongly recommend that you visit the Financial Aid office on the second floor of the Welcome Center; or call (810) 989-5530; or email to discuss your options with a Financial Aid representative.
- You can withdraw from a registered course through the posted withdrawal date for that class.
- Go to “Service Center” in your student Portal.
- In Student Planning, click on “Go to Plan & Schedule” in the “Plan your Degree & Register for Classes” box. This will bring up your current semester’s schedule.
- Select the course you want to withdraw from and click on the “Drop” button.
- In the Register and Drop Sections dialog box that appears, select any additional sections you want to drop.
- For each class you’re withdrawing from, you’ll need to select a reason.
- Click on “Update” to process the changes (or “Cancel” if you’ve changed your mind).
- All changes to an academic degree or certificate program, including the catalog year, may impact your financial aid.
- Please consult with an academic advisor to change your program. You can schedule an advising appointment by clicking the ‘Make an Advising Appointment’ link in your SC4 portal.
In My Progress, select View a New Program to see available academic programs.
- Once you select a program, you will be able to view the progress made toward its plan requirements. Only your completed academic credits will be evaluated.
- Once you close the program view, the information displayed will be removed.
- When a course is listed in search results, it does not mean that it will be offered in the semester you’re scheduling. The class may be offered only during certain semesters.You can still add that course to your course plan; it’s recommended that you speak to your advisor to see when the course may be offered.
- Accessing Student Planning Help. Click the ? Help button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. The help button will provide information specific to the page you are currently viewing.
- Calling Enrollment Services at (810) 989-5500 during business hours (standard business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
- Emailing Enrollment Services at