Canvas login FAQ
How will my login for Canvas change?
You may continue to log into Canvas using your full SC4 email address and password. As seen in the images below, the new Canvas login screen matches the current Office 365 login screen. Moving forward, any application login that looks like this will be enrolled in Single Sign On, meaning a login to any one of them will grant you access to all apps enrolled in Single Sign On.
What should I do if I am unable to login or do not know my password?
If you are having trouble logging into Canvas or any other app using the new Single Sign On authentication, please visit to reset your password using our self service password reset tool. If you continue to have issues or need additional assistance, students should contact the student helpdesk at (810) 989-5858. Staff and faculty should contact the Office of Information Technology at (810) 989-5615.
What apps are using Single Sign On?
The list below includes all apps enrolled in our Single Sign On process. Note: access to these applications is granted based on current class enrollments and job duties. You may not currently have access to the entire list of apps below.
- Microsoft Office 365 (Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel, etc.)
- Canvas
- Splashtop
- Maxient