St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education

Crisis Intervention and Response

Crisis Intervention and Response

St. Clair County Community College Policy and Procedure

Name: Crisis Intervention and Response
Effective: 8/24/2015
Revised Date: 4/22/2022
Initiator/Author: David Goetze, Director of Behavioral Intervention

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Definition of Crisis Intervention and Response

Any student who may be identified as a potential danger to self or others, and may also pose a threat to the personal safety of self or others which may require an immediate response.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate how the Crisis Intervention and Response process is to be implemented. This procedure will establish how SC4 faculty and staff are to identify and report students who are at risk and begin intervention as soon as a problem is identified.  

 1.3 Scope

This procedure shall apply to all faculty and staff who identify a student who may be at risk posing a danger to self and/or others.

1.4 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the Chief of Human Resources (or designee) to ensure that this procedure is followed and updated as needed.

1.5 Policy Statement

State and federal laws ensure the confidentiality of individual student rights as noted by HLC. The College further desires to comply with HIPAA and FERPA privacy law mandates. However, when a student poses a risk to self and/or others, the ‘duty to warn’ statute shall prevail and it is the staff or faculty members’ responsibility to act in accordance with maintaining the safety of that student(s) and those who may be effected by extreme behaviors involving danger to self (suicidal) or others (homicidal).

It is the faculty and staff member’s responsibility to act in a reasonable manner to protect the “goodwill” and safety of the individual and others who may be affected.

2.0  Procedure

2.1 General Expectations

Faculty and staff will use the Crisis Intervention and Response Procedure when a student is identified as a potential harm to self or others. This process can also be used when a student is identified as using extreme inappropriate behavior that poses a threat to personal safety, or significant personal loss, and because of its severity, may require an immediate response. This procedure will cover responses dealing with the following, but not limited to: Individual student – extreme behavior or potential immediate harm; individual student – no immediate threat; non-emergency personal, mental health and substance abuse concerns; inappropriate behavior; severe code of conduct infractions and behavior; and situational crisis group of students.

2.2 Reporting a Crisis – All Areas Noted Above

  1. Immediate Danger to Self or Others
    1. Call 9-1-1
    2. Call Campus Patrol – extension 5757
      1. Campus Patrol will contact the Residence Life and Conduct Manager of Student Wellness (or designee).
      2. The Student Wellness Manager (or designee) may contact the St. Clair County Community Mental Health Mobile Crisis Response Unit at (810) 966-2575 or the Port Huron Police Department/Wellness Check (danger to self) at (810) 985-8115.
      3. The Student Wellness Manager will notify the Chief of Human Resources.

2.3 Addressing a Crisis Situation

Procedures detailing the identification and referral process for handling a crisis can be found on the SC4 website.

2.4 Student Referrals and Counseling

Student referrals and counseling resources may be found on the SC4 website.

Updated April 2022 by dpg