Disability resources
Disability resources

SC4 is firmly committed to making higher education accessible to students with disabilities by removing barriers and providing programs and support services necessary for them to benefit from the instruction and resources of the College.
Located in the Library and Student Support Center in Room A-101, SC4 Disability Resources provides support and resources for students with or without a documented disability. Students do not need to have documentation of a disability to discuss strategies for college success.
Incoming students who would like to meet with the coordinator should make an appointment as early as possible in their first semester or during the enrollment process as well as fill out this form. Early planning is essential for many of the resources and accommodations provided.
Important information
Disability documentation is required to receive accommodations. You will need to provide documentation of disability from a qualified healthcare provider if you have not already done so. It is helpful if documentation includes recommendations of appropriate reasonable accommodations for the post-secondary setting. You can also provide any other relevant information such as psychological testing reports, copies of IEP’s, 504 plans, or other information pertaining to any previous accommodations received. For questions regarding documentation, reference the below documentation guidelines. Documentation must be recent and be within five years of this application. Requests will not be considered until appropriate documentation is received.
Documentation can assist the Disability Resource Office (DRO) in understanding how disability may impact a student in the academic environment and in making informed decisions about reasonable accommodations. We engage in an interactive process that is responsive to the needs of each student as advised by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) and based on guidance from the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). DRO evaluates documentation and meets with each student to identify barriers and create access.
Please note that you can meet with the coordinator before submitting documentation to discuss available resources and support. The coordinator can discuss any documentation needs during your initial appointment. Accommodations are not retroactive or granted if they fundamentally alter the course. It is important to note that an accommodation may be appropriate for one course but not another. Some accommodations may take longer to implement, so connecting with the DRO is essential.
Documentation may be submitted in, but is not limited to, one of the following formats:
Documentation may include one or more of the following: a diagnosis of your current disability or health condition, as well as supporting information, such as the date of the diagnosis, how that diagnosis was reached, and the credentials of the diagnosing professional; information on how your disability affects a major life activity; and information on how the disability affects your academic performance. Disability documentation should be current and relevant and include the student’s self-report and an interactive meeting with the disability coordinator.
Although many different types of disability-related documentation may be acceptable (below), for your convenience, you may ask your medical or mental health provider to provide a letter.
Examples of different types of disability-related documentation:
- Audiology report
- Educational records (IEP, 504 Plan, Summaries of Performance with diagnostic information, etc.)
- Letter from a healthcare professional, on letterhead, which confirms a diagnosis/impact of the disability
- Medical records
- Neuropsychological or educational evaluation
- Proof of accommodations used on standardized exams (SAT, ACT, etc.)
- Psycho-educational evaluation (Learning Disability/ ADHD/ TBI)
- Reports from Michigan Rehabilitation Service (MRS)
- SC4 DRO Healthcare Provider form
- Vision assessment
This is not an exhaustive list; the DRO may request additional documentation supporting accommodation requests. If a disability fluctuates or is progressive, updated information may be requested.
Where should my documentation be submitted?
Students can submit documentation online using the Disability Resources Intake Application, fax to 810-989-5579 or drop off in person to the DRO in Library, Room A-101, College Center Bldg., or by mail. Receipt of documentation does not guarantee accommodations. Students should plan to meet with DRO staff each semester to implement accommodations.
Mailing Address:
St. Clair County Community College
Disability Resources Office
323 Erie St.
PO Box 5015
Port Huron, MI 48061-5015
What if I do not have any documentation for my disability and/or health condition?
Students who do not have documentation are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the DRO Coordinator to learn more about relevant assessments and where to obtain them. In addition, we can offer advice on what assessments may be helpful. The DRO Coordinator can help the student identify local providers who may be of assistance at their own expense.
Do I have to disclose my disability?
No, it’s up to the student if they want to disclose disability status or apply for accommodations. However, to receive accommodations, students must provide documentation, register with the DRO, and meet with the coordinator each semester. College differs from high school, where accommodations and services may have been automatically granted.
Is there a cost for accommodations?
Students are not charged for accommodations, equipment loans, adaptive software, or assistive technology provided by the DRO.
What if I need an alternative textbook due to my disability?
Bookshare makes reading easier. You might qualify for textbooks. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading.
Is my disability information private?
All information and documentation submitted to the DRO office is kept separate from academic records and is considered private under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Within SC4, accommodation data is released by the DRO staff on a “need-to-know” basis to remove barriers for equal access purposes. General student records that SC4 staff and faculty have access to do not disclose disability diagnosis, registration, or accommodations; transcripts and schedules will not note this confidential information.
Material has been adopted from the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance and resources on job accommodations and disability employment issues.
The National Center for Students with Disabilities has collected resources about disability and higher education in one place, along with Helpful crisis resources.
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities offers a comprehensive list of scholarships and grant programs for students with disabilities. For each award, important details, such as who can apply and how to make a successful application is detailed. This guide provides answers to many of your questions and lists the scholarships.
Students who use service animals should contact the Disability Resources Office and provide the animal’s current vaccinations and registration as required by local law.
Service Animals in Michigan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The service animal’s owner is responsible for the following:
- Keeping the animal under direct control
- Be responsible for the care and supervision of the service animal.
- Ensuring that the animal is not disruptive
- Cleaning up after the animal immediately and disposing of waste and debris promptly
- Dealing with any damage or injury caused by the service animal
The transition from high school to college is an exciting time for both a student and a student’s family. However, a big change, such as leaving for college, can be stressful, and knowing what to expect is helpful.
Below are some differences families and students can expect between what they may be accustomed to from high school and what will happen at college. The following table, adapted from AHEAD and Michigan Technological University, includes important information about how your rights and responsibilities change once you are enrolled at St. Clair County Community College.
High School | College | |
Identification | Accept services offered to you. | Seek out services by registering with Disability Resources (DRO) in the Library. |
Privacy | Expect information to be shared with parents/guardians. | Know that your right to privacy and confidentiality is upheld. |
Placement and Accommodations | Include parents/guardians in decisions regarding placement and accommodations. | Make your own decisions regarding placement and accommodations. |
Eligibility for Services | Include parents/guardians in decisions regarding eligibility for services. | Only include parents/guardians in decisions regarding eligibility for services if you choose. |
Instructor Awareness | Let teachers approach you. They know your specific difficulties or concerns. | Tell your professors, instructors, advisors, and disability resource facilitators your concerns. Otherwise, they won’t know. |
Time Management | Follow the schedule you are given. | Manage your own time. |
Reminders and Deadlines | Pay attention to reminders for exam dates and assignment deadlines. | Keep track of your exam dates and assignment deadlines by referring to the class syllabus. |
Discipline | Expect to be disciplined for skipping class. | Read the class attendance policy to learn when an absence is excused. |
Time Spent in Classroom | Attend class about 40 hours per week. | Attend class about 13–16 hours per week. |
Time Spent on Homework | Study time varies. | Study about two to three hours for every hour you spend in class. Some classes will require more time. |
Preparing for Exams | Memorize and identify information to prepare for exams. | Practice applying the information you’ve learned to prepare for exams. |
Tutors | Tutoring will be set up for you. | Find the tutoring optinos on campus. SC4 has free tutoring and you may be eligible for TRIO. |
Grade Changes | Retake an exam to get a better grade. | Expect to take exams once. Grades aren’t usually retroactive. |
Altering Courses and Programs | Take a course or program that has been altered. | Take courses offered. They are not fundamentally altered. |
Additionally, extra credit may be offered in high school but is not typically offered in college.
Keys to Success: Attitude, Self-Advocacy And Preparation
The attitude and self-advocacy skills of students with disabilities may be two of the most important factors in determining their success or failure in postsecondary education. Students with disabilities need to be prepared to work collaboratively with the institution’s disability coordinator to enable them to have an equal opportunity to participate in an institution’s programs and activities. To ensure that students with disabilities possess the desired levels of self-advocacy to succeed in postsecondary education, high school educators may want to encourage the students to:
Understand their disabilities. Students with disabilities need to know the functional limitations that result from their disabilities and understand their strengths and weaknesses. They should be able to explain their disabilities to an institution’s disability coordinators or other appropriate staff. As part of this process, students should be able to explain where they have had difficulty in the past, as well as what has helped them overcome such problems and what specific adjustments might work in specific situations. To assist students in this area, high school educators can encourage high school students to be active participants in their IEP or Section 504 meetings. High school personnel also can suggest that students practice explaining their disabilities, as well as why they need certain services, to appropriate secondary staff or through role-playing exercises to prepare them to engage in such conversations with confidence in a postsecondary setting.
Accept responsibility for their own success. All students, including those with disabilities, must take primary responsibility for their success or failure in postsecondary education. Students with disabilities, in particular, are moving from a system where parents and school staff usually advocated on their behalf to a system where they will be expected to advocate for themselves. An institution’s staff will likely communicate directly with students when issues arise and are generally not required to interact with students’ parents. In general, students with disabilities should expect to complete all course requirements, such as assignments and examinations. Students with disabilities need to identify the essential academic and technical standards that they will be required to meet for admission and continued participation in an institution’s program. Students also need to identify any academic adjustments they may need as a result of their disabilities to meet those standards and how to request those adjustments. Students with disabilities need to understand that, while federal disability laws guarantee them an equal opportunity to participate these laws do not guarantee that students will achieve a particular outcome, for example, good grades.
Take an appropriate preparatory curriculum. Because all students will be expected to meet an institution’s essential standards, students with disabilities need to take a high school curriculum that will prepare them to meet those standards. If students with disabilities plan to attend a rigorous postsecondary institution, they, like their peers without disabilities, need to make high school curriculum choices that support that goal. High school guidance counselors and state VR agency counselors, in particular, can play an important role in students’ curriculum planning.
For all students, good study skills and the ability to write well are critical factors of success in postsecondary education. High school educators can help students in these areas by offering or identifying opportunities, such as workshops, courses or tutoring programs, that emphasize the importance of reading, writing and good study skills. In addition, staff should encourage students to enroll in classes that will focus on writing and study skills in their freshman year of postsecondary education.
Learn time management skills. Although a primary role of high school educators is to provide monitoring, direction and guidance to students as they approach the end of their high school career, staff also need to prepare students to act independently and to manage their own time with little to no supervision. High school educators can assist students by identifying resources that will help them learn time management and scheduling skills.
Acquire computer skills. Because postsecondary students use computers to complete a multitude of tasks, from registering for classes to accessing course material and obtaining grades, it is essential that students learn to use computers if they are to be prepared for postsecondary education. Ideally, students with disabilities need to start using computers as early as possible in school to increase their familiarity with, and their comfort level in using, computers. Students with visual impairments, hearing impairments, learning disabilities or mobility impairments may have problems with inputting data or reading a computer monitor. Assistive technology can help certain students with disabilities use computers and access information.
Consider supplemental postsecondary education preparatory programs. A variety of institutions of postsecondary education have summer programs in which students can participate while they are still in high school, or after graduation, to ease their transition to postsecondary education. These programs often expose students to experiences that they are likely to encounter in postsecondary education, such as living in dorms, relating to other students and eating in dining halls. The programs may also focus on instruction in certain subject areas, such as math or English, or in certain skills, such as computer, writing or study skills, that can prepare a student to be successful in postsecondary education. High school educators can assist students with disabilities by identifying such program opportunities in their area of residence.
Research postsecondary education programs. Students with disabilities may select any program for which they are qualified but should be advised to review carefully documentation standards and program requirements for their program or institution of interest. For example, students should pay close attention to an institution’s program requirements, such as language or math, to avoid making a large financial and time commitment only to realize several years into a program that they cannot, even with academic adjustments, meet an essential requirement for program completion. Campus visits, which include visits to the disability services office, can be helpful in locating an environment that best meets a student’s interests and needs. In addition, while all institutions have a legal obligation to provide appropriate services, certain colleges may be able to provide better services than others due to their size or location.
Get involved on campus. To help students avoid the isolation that can occur away from home during the first year of postsecondary education, high school educators should encourage students to live on campus and to become involved in campus activities. Attendance at orientation programs for freshmen is a good first step in discovering ways to get involved in the postsecondary education environment.
If you would like more information about the responsibilities of postsecondary schools to students with disabilities, read the OCR brochures Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: Higher Education’s Obligations Under Section 504 and Title II of the ADA and Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities. You may obtain copies of these brochures by contacting us at the address and phone numbers below or on the Department’s website at: http://www.ed.gov/ocr/publications.html#Section504. To receive more information about the civil rights of students with disabilities in education institutions, please contact OCR at: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html.
Keys to Success: Attitude, Self-Advocacy And Preparation from ed.gov.
Additional forms and resources
Contact information and hours
Room A-100, College Center
(810) 989-5759
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Thursday
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday