Maximizing student success
We want you to succeed and are committed to offering support, services, tools and much more to help you from day one. Please take advantage of all the resources we offer and be sure to reach out to us with questions at any point in your student journey!
Trying to juggle all of your classes and life? We can help!
Whether you’re trying to review a concept you didn’t quite get in class or you want to stay on top of your studies by working ahead, you’ve got access to free tutoring whenever you need it. From writing to math, nursing to history, SC4 provides tutoring on every subject on a drop-in basis.
All services are FREE and available to SC4 students. Schedule a virtual appointment today or learn more below about scheduling an in-person tutoring session.
SC4 Librarians, who are also located in the College Center building, offer support in research and brainstorming ideas. Stop by 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for assistance or just to do your homework.
Visit the Library website for more information.
The Math Center is located in the Clara E. Mackenzie Building, Room 317, and is staffed with both professional and peer tutors. Peer tutors are SC4 students who have scored high in their math classes. Most of them are skilled in everything from Algebra to Calculus and everything in between. Sometimes it’s helpful to get a different perspective to help students understand the material you are learning.
Additionally, the tutors in the math center are often skilled in other subjects such as chemistry, physics, and computer science, so students shouldn’t be afraid to ask non-math questions.
The Math Center is a fantastic place to study alone or with a group. It’s quiet. There are tons of formula references, writing surfaces to work out problems on (chalkboards and whiteboards), and access to homework supplies (pencils, pens, highlighters, and paper).
How to get the most from your time with a Math tutor?
- Do as much homework as possible before meeting with a tutor. This will show the tutor your strengths.
- Write down the problems you could not complete and show how you tried to solve them. It will show the tutor where you are struggling.
- Come to the Math Center immediately after your Math class and do your homework while the material is still fresh in your mind.
The Math Center is open for tutoring Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Contact studentsupport@sc4.edu with questions.
We have professional and peer tutors available to help you better understand the material for students in the medical programs and those taking prerequisite medical classes. Schedules of tutor availability will be posted in the Health Sciences Building, Room 128.
Contact studentsupport@sc4.edu with questions.
What should I prepare for an online tutoring session and what do I need to know to work with a Writing Assistance team member?
The Writing Center is located in the Main Building, Room 313, and is open for tutoring from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. A Writing Center session, on average, lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. Students are encouraged to schedule additional online meetings as much as they need. If possible, students should have the instructor’s assignment sheet or class notes detailing the requirements. At the beginning of the online session, a tutor will talk to the student to find out more about the assignment: The class and type of assignment, when it’s due, and if the student needs more help getting started. If the document is in the process of completion, the tutor will review the draft with the student for the organization and support of the paper’s ideas and provide recommendations for revision and editing.
The main thing to know is that the tutor’s role is to support the writer’s goals and provide helpful feedback. Tutors are not proofreaders, and papers may not be submitted for suggested revision and editing. The assignment must reflect the student’s own work, not the tutor’s work.
Students who cannot fully participate in a writing center session due to tight schedules are encouraged to complete an online submission form below for the SC4 O.W.L.*
Contact studentsupport@sc4.edu with questions.
Online Writing Lab (O.W.L.)
O.W.L. is short for “Online Writing Lab.” SC4’s Writing Center uses O.W.L. as a way to offer greater availability and assistance to students through the convenience of an online platform.
Students who wish to have their paper reviewed by a Writing Center (WC) Team Member can submit their work to O.W.L. Once submitted, a team member will claim a student’s work, review it, and respond by providing helpful feedback within the comment section. The feedback team member responds with the paper’s strengths, which areas need further attention, and answers any specific questions a student may have. A WC team member will provide suggestions for improvement – not edit, correct, or change anything within a paper.
Once finished with the review process, the team member will send a paper back to its student for them to consider and make the changes they see fit. If students have any questions or comments about the feedback given, the WC encourages them to reach out to a team member.
How do I submit my paper?
To submit a paper to O.W.L., simply fill out the form below.
Students need to fill out the form and upload their paper. The file upload should be in .txt, .doc, and .docx formats not a PDF – Word and Google documents are best.
Then students can expect to see their paper with feedback within two business days.
NetTutor is another option for students who need tutoring if SC4 tutors are not available during the time you need assistance. If your class is in Canvas, look on the navigation bar on the left side and scroll down until you see the NetTutor button. If your professor doesn’t have the NetTutor button enabled, ask him or her if this is an option. Once you get into NetTutor, you will see:

If there were live tutors available for drop-in, the first button would be chosen. If you need tutoring outside of those hours, you will need to “drop off” your question, and someone will answer it.
Once your question is answered, it is put in your “Locker,” which is the bottom right button. If you were able to speak with a tutor, the session would be recorded and also stored in your locker for future reference. There is also a “drop off a paper” button for review, and edits would also go into that “locker.”