St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education

Student Code of Conduct Expectations and Prohibitions – Exhibit A

Student Code of Conduct Expectations and Prohibitions – Exhibit A

Section I: Student Code of Conduct Overview

Enrollment in St. Clair County Community College implies acceptance of certain standards of student conduct and a willingness to abide by those standards. College standards of conduct are established to maintain conditions under which individuals, with respect for the rights and well-being of others, can participate effectively in a common educational enterprise and well-ordered collegiate community.
The college adopts the following Student Code of Conduct hereby referred to as the code and prohibits all persons from engaging or participating in any of the practices or behaviors which violate the Code. Specific examples are used by way of illustration and are not meant to limit the practices or behaviors that may be deemed to violate the college’s standards of conduct.

Violence of any kind will not be tolerated on college premises or at college-sponsored activities. Any student, group, or organization found to have committed misconduct is subject to disciplinary action and to sanctions including, but not limited to, those outlined in the code. Attempts to commit any of these acts of misconduct are included in the scope of these definitions.

The following are examples of college expectations and misconduct under the code subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal and expulsion.

Student Code of Conduct violations (except as noted) should be reported to the college official in charge and the Academic Officer and/or Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct.. If warranted by nature and severity of the offense, Campus Patrol and/or local law enforcement should be contacted.

Note: Teaching faculty will make reference to, but may elaborate on, or in some way further define, aspects of SC4’s Student Code of Conduct on their syllabi. Students will abide by and be responsible for adhering to both as stated in any given syllabus for any given course.

Section II: Student Code of Expectations and Prohibitions

The Student Code of Conduct describes the rules and expectations established by the College for student conduct. The system for Disciplinary Procedures Action is to be used in cases of student noncompliance with the Student Code of Conduct. It provides for the temporary imposition of sanctions by an appropriate College official and requires reporting of all code violations and disciplinary actions to the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and/or Chief Academic Officer. Code infractions/discipline imposed must be reported in writing with relevant documentation within 24 hours of the incident when possible. Campus Patrol may assist in reporting process. Reports of violations and discipline may be submitted to the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and/or Chief Academic Officer. Information will be reviewed, and support will be provided by the appropriate college staff and personnel. Faculty, staff, and/or students may report any suspected code of conduct violations and those involved will be notified and all incidents documented accordingly. Due Process is applicable upon the written request (appeal) of the student after a disciplinary decision has been made and/or supported by the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and/or Chief Academic Officer.

Please note that all incidents reported below shall be reported to either/or both the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and/or Chief Academic Officer. The only exception would be in suspected cases of Harassment-Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual, as those situations are to be reported directly to the Executive Director of Safety and Compliance/Title IX Coordinator at (810) 989-5509.

  1. Appropriate attire
    Dress, grooming, personal cleanliness, and good hygiene standards contribute to the ambiance and character of the college. All students are required to wear footwear anywhere on the college campus for the safety of the student and health of others on campus. College students are required to adhere to prevailing standards of good judgment in their choice of attire and are expected to conduct themselves in a way that best represents themselves and the college. Further, as part of the overall health, safety and appropriate attire required on-campus, all students are expected to wear a face mask consistent recommendations from the St. Clair County Health Department and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while this directive is in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 until such time these requirements are lifted. If the St. Clair County Health Department and CDC’s guidelines are changed, face masks will not be required on campus.
  2. Appropriate conduct
    Students are expected to act responsibly and to conduct themselves in the classroom and on the campus in a manner that does not disrupt the learning process. A climate of mutual respect and courtesy should exist between faculty, staff and students. However, students must recognize that instructors and staff, by virtue of their positions, must exert a measure of authority in the classroom and other campus areas. Students should respect this authority. Disciplinary problems may result in a student being withdrawn from class and, in extreme cases, dismissed from the college.
  3. Assault and threats
    Assault and threats are prohibited, and include, but are not limited to, the following: committing physical abuse and/or battery or other behavior resulting in harm to any person; placing a person in fear of imminent physical danger or injury; making threats or engaging in behavior to harm self or others.
  4. Classroom and laboratory safety violations
    Students must abide by classroom safety regulations. Safety glasses, headgear, aprons, lab coats, earplugs and other appropriate safety equipment may be needed by all students in specific courses.
  5. Dishonesty – Academic
    The college considers academic honesty to be essential to all academic performance. Instances of academic dishonesty will be treated as serious offenses of the Student Code of Conduct. Students involved in activities such as cheating and/or plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from a course, program, and/or the college.

Definition of plagiarism: Plagiarism is the appropriation of language, thoughts, or ideas of another author without appropriate citation.

Definition of cheating: Cheating can be, but is not limited to, a student using or attempting to use unauthorized resources (i.e. electronic technology, artificial intelligence, notes, books, or other materials not permitted by the instructor); or sharing work with others when independent work is required. Students are responsible to protect their own work and not share with others.

When the instructor has evidence of cheating or plagiarism, the instructor may impose disciplinary actions such as assigning a failing grade to the student’s assignment, quiz, paper, test or the entire course. Incidents of cheating that significantly impact a student’s grade will be reported to the Student Conduct Office. Incidents will be recorded and referenced in consideration of further college-level discipline, up to and including dismissal from the college. Repeated offenses or particularly egregious incidents, as determined by the reporting faculty member, or the Student Services team, will be reviewed by the Academic Integrity Committee to determine the appropriate college level consequences. Please review the Academic Dishonesty policy for more details.

  1. Dishonesty – Non-Academic
    Non-academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: Furnishing false information to the college or college personnel, including Campus Patrol. Furnishing false information at disciplinary proceedings. Forgery; unauthorized alteration or unauthorized use of any college documents, records or identification cards, including computer records; and misuse of computer facilities and electronic mailing systems. Giving false or incomplete replies to questions, verbal or written, on applications, forms or other documents required by properly authorized representatives of the college.
  2. Disorderly conduct
    Disorderly conduct is prohibited and is defined as acting in a manner to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct or be offensive to others, including, but not limited to, shouting or making excessive noise either inside or outside a building to the annoyance or disturbance of others; verbally abusing college officials (either on the phone, in person or via electronic communications) acting in performance of their duties; acting in a lewd or indecent manner; making threats; harassing others.
  3. Drug and alcohol violation
    Intoxication, drug−altered states, and the possession, use or sale of alcohol, illegal drugs or related paraphernalia; are strictly forbidden on campus or at or as part of any college-affiliated activity. This prohibition includes but is not limited to, possession of paraphernalia containing drug residue; and manufacture or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances. If students are experiencing problems with drugs and/or alcohol, they should contact the Residence Life and Conduct Manager for referral and intervention.
  4. Fire/false alarm/report
    Knowingly or negligently causing or attempting to cause a fire in a college building; and initiating or causing to be initiated any false alarm/report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency is prohibited.
  5. Gambling
    It is the policy of the college to prohibit gambling on the college campus. Except as hereinafter provided, the college prohibits the sale, solicitation, or promotion of a game of chance, including, but not limited to, lotteries, raffles, bingo or similar other activities on college premises or which use the college’s name in any way. The Board authorizes the President of the college to waive this prohibition for such fundraising activities which support student services or scholarships, and which comply with any applicable laws and license requirements. The President may establish procedures and guidelines for applying for this waiver.
  6. Giving False Information
    No person shall give false or incomplete replies to questions, verbal or written, on applications, forms or other documents required by properly authorized representatives of the college.
  7. Harassment – Discrimination and bullying
    Discrimination and harassment are strictly forbidden on campus and in all college affiliated activities. This includes any form of bullying, inappropriate and offensive conduct against any person, student, staff member or college guest on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, creed, ancestry, familial status, age, disability, marital status, height, weight, sexual orientation, other protected status or reasons. Modes of contact or communication include, but are not limited to, in person, in writing, through telephone, electronic mail, social media or instant messaging.

Any form of harassment is unacceptable at St. Clair County Community College, and complaints or charges will be followed through with appropriate action. SC4 employees and students are individually responsible to ensure such harassment does not occur. Concerns should be directed to the Executive Director of Campus Safety/IX Compliance Officer.

  1. Harassment – Sexual harassment
    Sexual harassment or related retaliation is strictly prohibited on campus and in college-affiliated activities. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome verbal or physical acts that are sexual in nature, unrelated to the content or context, and sufficiently severe and/or pervasive as to objectively either (a) have the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance, or (b) create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or working environment. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to, sexually based unwelcome verbal remarks or physical advances, request for sexual favors, inappropriate and unwelcome contact, and explicitly or implicitly stating that submission or rejection of sexual acts or advances will be a factor in one’s employment, participation or evaluation within the College and/or its activities.

Any form of harassment is unacceptable at St. Clair County Community College, and complaints or charges will be followed through with appropriate action. SC4 employees and students are individually responsible to ensure such harassment does not occur. Concerns should be directed to the Executive Director of Campus Safety/IX Compliance Officer.

  1. Hazing
    Any act of hazing is prohibited. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally, with or without consent, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
  2. Interfering with events
    Interfering with any normal college or college−sponsored events is prohibited and includes, but is not limited to, disruption of studying, teaching, research, administration, and fire, police, or emergency services.
  3. Lewd behavior
    Behavior that is lewd or indecent is prohibited. Such behavior is defined in consideration of the general standards of acceptable behavior and includes, but is not limited to, the following: obscene remarks, gestures or other communications; exposing oneself in an indecent manner; viewing pornographic images, or engaging in sexual activities on the campus.
  4. Maximum Credits
    St. Clair County Community College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission. With this foundation of excellence in place, it is our intent to prepare students for employment, enhance job skills, or prepare them to transfer to another institution of higher learning to complete a bachelor, master, or doctoral degree of their choosing.
    Noting that most of our associate degrees require at least 60 credits to graduate and knowing that some of our community college students wish to pursue more than one degree or return for additional coursework to enhance job skills training or pursue another career, the college has implemented a policy where no students may take more than 300 college credits in a lifetime at our institution. A student who wishes to take more than 300 college credits must contact the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct to appeal and provide written documentation as to why taking more than 300 college credits is warranted.
  5. Misuse, theft of college property and fire safety or emergency equipment
    Misuse, tampering, theft or damage to fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, exit signs, first aid kits, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), other emergency supplies or other college property is prohibited.
  6. Non-compliance
    Failure to comply with reasonable directions of college officials, including college security officers, faculty and staff acting in the performance of their duties is prohibited. Directives to cooperate in the administration of the Code including those to appear and give testimony at a college disciplinary proceeding, as well as directives to produce identification are included in the scope of this provision.
  7. Regulation violation
    Any violation of other published regulations including, but not limited to, SC4 policies as listed in this catalog is considered a Code violation.
  8. Sanction violation
    Violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with the Code is a Code violation.
  9. Sexual assault
    Inflicting any sexual invasion/assault upon any person without that person’s consent is prohibited. “Consent” requires actual words or conduct indicating a freely-given agreement to have sexual intercourse, or to participate in sexual activities. The college community should be aware that, depending on the particular circumstances, previous sexual relationships or current relationship between the persons involved, or silence, or lack of protest do not necessarily constitute consent. Further, the degree of impairment of a person’s ability to give or withhold consent (including, but not limited to, incapacity or helplessness caused by alcohol or any other drugs) may be introduced as pertinent information at any college disciplinary hearing.
  10. Sexual offender registration law
    Individuals who have been found guilty of a sexual offense must register with the local, state, and/or federal authorities as dictated by law.
  11. Smoking on campus
    SC4 is a smoke-and tobacco-free campus. Smoking and tobacco use will be prohibited in any areas of campus, including parking lots.
  12. Solicitation
    In order to provide an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning, it has been determined by SC4 to prohibit outside persons from operating or distributing materials or items on the college campus. Any problems should be reported to Campus Patrol.

Specifically: Selling, soliciting and advertising are prohibited unless an exception has been authorized by the Chief Operating Officer/Executive Vice President. Distribution of handbills on vehicles on college property is prohibited.

  1. Theft or damage to property
    No person or persons shall steal or damage property belonging to another person, organization or institution. This includes tampering with coin-operated machines. Violators may be handled by the local police, the college disciplinary process, or both.

Theft: Theft of property or of services or knowing possession of the stolen property.

Destruction of Property: Destroying or damaging college property, such as library holdings or the property of others.

  1. Unauthorized access or use of college facilities
    Students and members of the public are not allowed in campus buildings or facilities after the building has been closed and locked to student and public access. Access to locked buildings requires official permission from an authorized college representative and notification of Campus Patrol. Students in secured buildings after closing must be under the supervision of an authorized college official such as an official club advisor, coach, faculty member or appropriate staff member.
  2. Unauthorized use of the college’s name
    Any unauthorized commercial use of the college’s name, logo or other representation, or undertaking any unauthorized action in the name of the college are prohibited.
  3. Use of technology – computers and internet services
    St. Clair County Community College provides computer, Internet and email services to support research and education to fulfill the mission of the college. These unique resources enrich the learning and instructional process and foster opportunities for collaborative work among college students and staff. Access to the college’s computer services, including the Internet, is a privilege granted to students, faculty, staff and the public. Review the Acceptable Use Policy at
    Failure to adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy is a code violation.
  4. Violation of law
    Violation of federal and/or local law, including, but not limited to, possession of any falsified identification or the manufacture, sale or distribution of local, state or federal identification.
  5. Weapon/explosive violation
    The use, possession, storage or bringing any firearms, ammunition, knives, other weapons or objects that could be construed as weapons is strictly forbidden in any area on the College campus where students assemble for instructional or educational purposes. Items that pose a potential hazard to the safety or health of others (such as explosives in any form) also are prohibited.
  6. Sanctions for code violations
    The college’s policy is directed toward imposing disciplinary sanctions based on the nature of the case. The college seeks to preserve flexibility in the imposition of the sanctions so that each student or group offenders is afforded the greatest possibility for appropriate and just treatment. Significant mitigating or aggravating factors shall be considered, which may include the current demeanor and the presence or lack of a disciplinary or criminal record of the offender, as well as, the nature of the offense and the extent of any damage, injury or harm resulting from it. Students may appeal disciplinary actions through the Due Process procedures listed at

Sanctions may include but are not limited to:

Verbal warning – Reported verbal reprimand.

Behavioral Contract – Formal, written notice that the student respondent will be expected to adhere to college expectations regarding their conduct as may set forth in a behavior contract. Any violation of that contract may result in further disciplinary action.

Grade adjustment – Violations of academic policy may result in loss of assignment or course credit.

Restriction of courses attendance – Based on the violation, students may be temporarily or permanently be restricted from class attendance or dropped from the class.

Censure − An official written reprimand for violation of specified regulations, including a warning that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct will be cause for disciplinary action.

Disciplinary probation −The college may limit and/or monitor student participation in academic, privileged or extracurricular activities for a specified period of time. Violation of the terms of disciplinary probation may result in suspension or expulsion from the college.

Suspension − Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities, including access to college premises or college−sponsored activities off campus, as set forth in the notice of suspension, for a specified period of time. Any student who is suspended shall not be entitled to any tuition or fee refund and is barred from college premises in accordance with the suspension.

Expulsion − Termination of student status and exclusion from college privileges and activities, including access to college premises or college − sponsored activities off campus, in perpetuity. Any student who is expelled shall not be entitled to any tuition or fee refund and is barred from college premises.

Restitution − Repayment to the college or to an affected party for damages, loss or injury resulting from a violation of the Code.

Other sanctions − Other sanctions may be imposed instead of or in addition to those specified above. For example, students may be subject to restrictions upon or denials for college parking privileges for violations involving the use or registration of motor vehicles on campus. Service projects also may be assigned. Students may be directed to have no contact with other students and/or may be forbidden to access specified areas of campus. Access to technology and participation in college activities may be denied.

  1. Due process – Code of Conduct violations
    Students charged with Code of Conduct violations may use the Due Process procedure to provide an opportunity to have their violation charges and disciplinary sanctions reviewed. This process begins when students have exhausted the options for resolving their concern(s) within the division or office of the college official rendering the discipline. The Due Process procedure can involve a review by the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and/or a formal hearing. For information on the SC4 Due Process procedure, contact the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct or review the information on the SC4 Student Portal.

Section III: Other Policies

  1. Children on campus
    In order to provide a friendly and safe campus while maintaining a learning environment for SC4 students and a disruption-free workplace for employees, students will not bring any child with them to class. In order to meet an emergency situation, the instructor can approve a temporary exception to this policy. Exceptions also may be made for SC4-sponsored events or classes that specifically suggest bringing a child. However, under no circumstances are children on campus to be left unattended.
  2. Concession rights
    The college retains all concession rights. Nothing is to be sold on the premises without written permission from the college.
  3. Pets/animals on campus animals
    Animals with the exception of those required for persons who are disabled (i.e. seeing eye/service dogs), are prohibited from college buildings. Questions about pets/animals on campus should be directed to the Coordinator of Academic Success and Disability Services.
  4. Posting of signs/fliers
    SC4 internal announcements may be posted on bulletin boards and tack strips located throughout the campus. These bulletin boards and tack strips are specifically allocated for internally generated information related to campus events and activities such as registration, Student Services, Student Government, clubs and organizations, and departments. Student and community postings may only be posted on the bulletin boards labeled “Student/Community Postings.” These boards are for posting items for sale, special event information, apartment rentals, community events, etc. Note the following guidelines for all bulletin board and tack strip usage:

Boards will be cleared of all materials at least once per month.
Internal postings must be proofread by an appropriate supervisor.
Inappropriate items will be removed.
Do not use staples to attach fliers.
Do not tape fliers on walls or windows.
Fliers are not allowed to be posted on vehicles in the parking lots.
Information (handbills, fliers, announcements, etc.) that are not part of an approved organization event, shall not be distributed on campus or at events without the written consent of the Chief Operating Officer/Executive Vice President.
Student complaint process
The following guidelines have been established to provide students at St. Clair County Community College with a process for resolving concerns related to their grades, academic environment and/or support services. When a concern arises that is covered by college policy, including sexual harassment, racial or sex discrimination, or those arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the issue should be referred to the Office of Human Resources. All others will be handled in the following manner (Student Complaint Process):

Students shall follow the Guidelines for Student Complaints – Exhibit A, which can be found on the website at:

  1. Student Complaint Process
    The following guidelines have been established to provide students at St. Clair County Community College with a process for resolving concerns related to their grades, academic environment, and/or support services. When a concern arises that is covered by a College Policy, including sexual harassment, racial or sexual discrimination, the issue should be referred to the Director of Campus Patrol and Training/Title IX Coordinator. All others will be handled in the following manner under the ‘Student Complaint Process’ found under the ‘Guidelines for Student Complaints – Exhibit A’ which can be found on the website at:
  2. Student Grade Appeal Process
    Any appeal for a change of grade, other than a final grade, must be initiated in the semester during which the student is enrolled in the course. Appeals of a final grade for the semester must be made prior to the last day of classes of the subsequent semester. There will be no formal grade appeals during the week of final exams or during semester breaks. Grade appeals occurring during the summer semester will adhere to the process with timelines to be established by the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct with reasonable flexibility as needed. The only grounds for a student grade appeal shall be as follows: (A)The grade is allegedly based on an error in calculation. (B)The grade assigned allegedly did not follow the grading criteria in the course syllabus. It shall be the responsibility of the student to prove that the grade is incorrect or unjustified. A student wishing to file a grade appeal begins by contacting the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct for information. Procedures for the Informal/Formal Appeal are available from the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct or on the SC4 website. Please review the Grade Appeal policy for more details.
  3. Weather Closing
    If the college closes because of severe weather, announcements will be made as early as possible.

The Port Huron campus may close for day classes only, night classes only, or for both day and night classes. Day classes are defined as classes that begin between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Night classes are defined as classes that begin between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Note: If the college is closed for day classes, but open for night classes, the Testing Center, College Bookstore, Library and student support services offices will remain closed for the evening.
The Port Huron campus also may close early at any point in the day or evening. Off-campus centers make independent decisions about closing. Whether they are open or closed is not related to if the Port Huron campus is open or closed.

To ensure you are getting accurate information, check the front page of the college website ( or login to check the SC4 Portal and your student email account. Please note: Cancellations by the instructor for individual classes will be reported only on the SC4 Portal and through other methods the instructor chooses.

Text alert messages available: You may sign up to get text alert messages about closings delivered to your cellular phone or other wireless device. Sign up at Alerts will arrive labeled from “SC4 alerts.”

While details about closings also will be reported by local newspapers, radio and television stations, and their websites, the only information the college can guarantee the accuracy of for SC4 closings will be on the college website, switchboard, class cancellation hotline, email and text alert messages.

Specifically, for early closings: If the Port Huron campus closes early at any point in the day or evening, Campus Patrol will notify classes in session about the closing. Because of the possibility of closing early, students should monitor the various communications listed above throughout the day. Because SC4 is not in a busing situation, the college’s decision on closing is not related to decisions to close by any K-12 school districts. If the college must close for severe weather during finals week, special announcements will be made regarding final exams.

  1. Works produced by students
    Students have a right to their own creative work. After the work has been reviewed, corrected, evaluated or graded, the work is to be returned to the student. Except for classroom and instructional purposes, no one may publish, display, perform, record, transmit or otherwise use a student’s work without his/her permission. However, if a student submits a work for publication, display or performance to any college activity, the student thereby grants the college the right to edit, publish, display, perform, record and transmit the work.