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SC4 to unveil Health Sciences Building and hospital simulation wing at grand opening Sept. 27

Well-known for its excellence and training in the health sciences, St. Clair County Community College will unveil its renovated Health Sciences Building to the broader community at its Grand Opening Celebration beginning at 11 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 27.

Construction on the $9.8 million Capital Outlay project began last summer and was finalized on time and on budget to open for students in August.

HSB Aerial 08-29_01The building now features an enviably innovative hospital simulation wing, ambulance bay and home setting, and more highly-developed manikins and equipment to help prepare students with realistic scenarios and training. The renovated facility accelerates the expansion of programs, allows for a more interdisciplinary approach to patient care, and will serve more students through advanced teaching systems.

Read more about the Grand Opening Celebration from the Keel.

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