Campus Input
2024 Board Strategic Planning Process
The SC4 Board of Trustees has asked the President to coordinate gathering of input from campus on a strategic plan update. Specifically, the Board is interested in responses on the general topics of:
- What is the Mission of the College for the next 5, 10 and 15 years?
- What is the Vision of the College for the next 5, 10 and 15 years?
- What are the Values of the College for the next 5, 10 and 15 years?
Several campus strategic planning discussion sessions will be scheduled between now and September. You are encouraged to participate in a session, or you may provide your insight via the form below. Submitted forms will be sent to the Office of Information Technology and provided to the President’s Office for compilation and sharing with the Board, along with feedback collected from the discussion sessions.
Please add your suggestions to the question(s) below. Your name is requested to facilitate follow-up questions or for clarifications on comments; however, if you wish to remain anonymous you may leave the name blank. Comments are voluntary. Any comments previously shared in group sessions do not need to be repeated in an individual form.
The strategic plan is a document to help guide the overarching direction, focus, or commitment of the campus. The questions are intended to share broad concepts. Detailed ideas for tasks or activities may be shared with supervisors, cabinet members, or via the employee suggestion form on the Portal.
Please provide your feedback on any or all of the questions below.
This form was created by the Office of Information Technology (OIT). All submissions will be collected by OIT.
Reminder: All submissions are anonymous and do not identify the employee.