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SC4 helped provide foundation for career of country star Drew Jacobs

Drew Jacobs album cover

Drew Jacobs made his mark on the country music industry at a young age, with his album “Got Me Like Whoa” hitting No. 1 in the genre on iTunes shortly after its recent release.

The 2014 Port Huron High School graduate learned some valuable lessons while a student at St. Clair County Community College through the Blue Water Middle College Academy.

“SC4 taught me how to communicate with different people,” Jacobs said. “I took speech and English classes which helped shape me into the writer and artist I am today.”

Jacobs said a class he took with theatre instructor Stewart Reed was his favorite while at SC4, and Reed certainly left an impression on the young country singer.

“He is very kind and smart,” Jacobs said. “I actually have a passion for acting as well, and he strengthened that. I have many fond memories of that class. Lots of friendships blossomed, and it’s where I fell in love with the girl of my dreams.”

Overall, the SC4 experience is one that Jacobs looks back on fondly.

“SC4 gave me a lot,” he said. “I may not have noticed it at the time, but it helped build the foundation for what is now my life. I’m able to live my dream and do what I love because of the people I’ve met along the way.”

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