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SC4 Men’s Soccer Head Coach Announcement

SC4 Director of Athletics Dale Vos has named Brian Alumbaugh as head coach for the newly formed SC4 men’s soccer team. Alumbaugh, an SC4 graduate with nearly ten years of coaching experience, was selected for the position following a national search.

“I am very excited to have Brian join the staff and lead in the building of our new men’s soccer team,” Vos said. “I have great confidence in Brian’s ability and impressive resume to be able to lay a strong foundation and build something special at SC4 and within the MCCAA.”

Alumbaugh played two years of Division I soccer for Long Island University. He then transferred to Michigan State University to complete his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and coursework in coaching. After this, he continued playing for an additional year as a graduate transfer to Robert Morris University. After his time at Robert Morris, Alumbaugh transitioned to coaching. He has coached high school club teams worldwide, including teams in New Zealand, Norway, Ohio, and Michigan. Alumbaugh was also an assistant and interim head coach at Muskingum University from 2017–2019 where he received his master’s degree in adult education.

Alumbaugh is currently the recreation director at the Rochester Soccer Club and runs the Elite 100 College ID Camps, which he founded in 2022.

“This is a very unique opportunity to be able to help start the soccer team from scratch and I’m excited to get in there, get some guys, and build this program into something special,” said Alumbaugh.

The SC4 men’s soccer team will start their first season in Fall 2024.

For more information on the SC4 men’s soccer team, please contact Coach Alumbaugh at

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