St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education

Student Grade Appeal Summary – Exhibit A

Student Grade Appeal Summary – Exhibit A

The resolution of grade concerns involves an Informal Procedure, which takes place initially with the primary instructor. If a successful resolution cannot be met initially with the instructor, then the student can initiate contact with the Department Chairperson or Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved during this informal process with an instructor or with the respective division personnel, then a Formal Procedure is coordinated by the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct. The formal procedure allows for an appeal of the outcome from the informal procedure.

The appeal must be based on either or both of these criteria:

  • The grade is allegedly based on an error in calculation.
  • The grade assigned allegedly did not follow the grading criteria in the course syllabus.

The student shall be responsible for proving that the grade is incorrect or unjustified based on this criterion. Any appeal for a change of grade, other than a final grade, must be initiated in the semester during which the student is enrolled in the course. Appeals of a final grade for the semester must be made prior to the last day of classes of the subsequent semester with the option (student) of excluding the summer semester. There will be no formal grade appeals during the week of final exams or during semester breaks. The Informal Procedure for a final course grade must be initiated prior to the last day of classes in that semester subsequent to receipt of the grade. The initiation date of the Informal Procedure for a final course grade must be documented on the Informal Student Grade Appeal form.

If informal resolution is not achieved, the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct shall determine whether the appeal meets the stated criteria for a Formal Procedure for grade appeal. If the required attempts at informal resolution described above have taken place, and the Informal Student Grade Appeal (form) is provided by the student within the allowed time frame, then the Formal Grade Appeal Request shall commence. If the case meets all criteria a Grade Appeal Hearing will be held. The Grade Appeal Hearing Committee shall consist of one student peer, one instructor and one Department Chairperson or Chief Academic Officer, who each have anonymous voting privileges. Preferably each hearing committee member will be connected to the discipline and/or class involving the Formal Grade Appeal Request when possible. The Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct (or designee) shall preside at the hearing as the facilitator but will have no voting privileges. The Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct will notify the student in writing and provide a copy to the instructor of the final decision of the Grade Appeal Hearing Committee, and this decision will be final with no further appeals being granted.

Student Grade Appeal Timetable

Note: The timetable may be altered based on unforeseen circumstances as mutually agreed upon.

  • Student is responsible to provide a written Informal Student Grade Appeal (form) for a final course grade prior to the last day of classes in that semester.
  • Instructor has five (5) college working days to respond to student by providing the Informal Student Grade Appeal Instructor Response (form) and provide this to student.
  • Student has five (5) college working days to submit Informal Student Grade Appeal (form) – to the academic lead or division administrator completing Section 2.
  • The Department Chairperson or Chief Academic Officer has five (5) college working days to submit the Informal Student Grade Appeal to the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct and provide this response to student.
  • If student is not satisfied with the Informal Procedure, then they may make a Formal Grade Appeal Request to the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct within five (5) college working days.
  • Grade Appeal Hearing shall be held within ten (10) college working days.
  • Grade Appeal Hearing Committee will make final decision. Letter sent to student/instructor by the Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct (or designee) within five (5) college working days.