St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education



St. Clair County Community College

323 Erie Street, P.O. Box 5015, Port Huron, MI 48061-5015
810-989-5506 / Fax 810-989-5734

Terms and Conditions

  1. Unit prices should be stated based on units specified. Quote on each item separately, with brand names indicated. Extend and total the quotation. Note: “Quotation” in these Terms and Conditions may also represent “Bid” or “Proposal.”
  2. Delivery time is a part of the consideration, and must be stated in definite terms. Failure to meet delivery deadlines may result in cancellation of an award. If time varies on different items, the quoter shall so state.
  3. Quotations must be signed with firm name and by a responsible officer or employee. Obligations assumed by such signature are binding upon the firm. Any vendor may withdraw a proposal at any time prior to opening time of proposals, and will not be assessed any penalties.
  4. The college is a tax exempt entity, therefore Federal Excise and State Sales Taxes shall not be included in quoted prices.
  5. Unless otherwise stated, quotations shall be quoted F.O.B., Port Huron, delivered with all transportation charges prepaid.
  6. Cash discounts will be considered in determination of low quoter, provided discounts are based on periods of 30 days or more after receipt of goods.
  7. Any freight charges must be stated separately. Please note method of shipment and carrier. St. Clair County Community College reserves the right to specify shipping method and carrier when freight charges are to be paid by St. Clair County Community College.
  8. Quotations or sealed bids must be received by the college before date and time specified on the face of a request. Late quotations will only be accepted if the irregularity is waived per Item 11. Quotations and sealed bids must be clearly marked by proposal title and number.
  9. Any articles received not adhering to stated specifications will be returned at seller’s expense, for a full refund. All defective articles will be replaced at the seller’s expense.
  10. Prices will be assumed firm for 90 days from date of quotation opening, unless vendor notes an exception. A claim of mistake in computation of a proposal shall not void the proposals after they are opened and accepted.
  11. St. Clair County Community College reserves the right to reject any or all quotations, evaluate suggestions or exceptions, to waive irregularities, resubmit requests for quotations, and to accept the quotation or portion thereof to be in the best interests of St. Clair County Community College.
  12. It is helpful to have descriptions and pictures, including brochures, samples, and color selections, accompany quotations. After receipt of quotations, the owner may require additional information or other satisfactory evidence before making contract awards.
  13. The owner reserves the right to examine any or all proposal details with the vendors after the quotation openings to discuss the meaning and appropriateness of said details.
  14. A vendor should clearly indicate any and all educational allowances and/or quantity discounts included in the quotation.
  15. The contract will be deemed as having been awarded when formal notice of award has been duly served or mailed to the vendor(s) to whom the Owner contemplates awarding the contract.
  16. The vendor certifies compliance with any applicable Federal and State statutes.
  17. St. Clair County Community College will not reimburse bidders for bid or quote documents.
  18. A vendor performing work on campus shall provide current insurance certificates as indicated by the College.
  19. The College reserves the right to cancel any agreement at any time provided that the College pays for the services and/or materials received to the date of the notice of termination.
  20. A written vendor estimate and a written College acceptance with a purchase order amendment are required for any additions or changes to any College purchase order.
  21. For approved work evidenced by a College purchase order, payment will be processed within sixty (60) days of receipt of invoice, assuming no discrepancies exist, after approval of request for payment.
  22. For approved work (evidenced by a College purchase order) that has been completed, the Vendor is responsible for submitting all invoices to Accounts Payable, in care of the Business Office, within thirty (30) days of the date for which the services are rendered.
  23. A written purchase order is required for all items ordered and for all work on campus. No College employee is authorized to charge/order/request material or services without an authorized purchase order. This would also include verbally amending existing purchase orders. In addition, due to internal control procedures, only College personnel in the Purchasing Office will release Purchase Order Information. Non-Purchasing Department personnel are not considered agents of the College for buying purposes.
  24. With the acceptance of a Purchase Order, the Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the College from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, that may result directly or indirectly from the use, possession or ownership of the goods or from the performance of services provided by the Vendor under this agreement, contract, and/or purchase order, including but not limited to claims, damages, losses or expenses attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefore, or for which arise out of a claim of a third party that for infringement of the third party’s copyright, patent, or misappropriated trade secrets.
  25. The Vendor is responsible for notifying the College of Vendor Business Type including, but not limited to, Michigan-owned Business and Veteran-owned Business.
  26. The Vendor is responsible for notifying the College of any Vendor Certifications including, but not limited to, certification of operation in depressed and deprived communities.
  27. The College strongly encourages Vendors to use certified businesses in depressed and deprived communities for services and/or supplies when subcontracting.
  28. The College encourages Vendors to bid equivalent brands where applicable; subject to approval by the College.
  29. The Vendor shall certify compliance with the Iran Economic Sanctions Act (Michigan Public Act No. 417 of 2012).
  30. The College does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or interpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of contract documents or verbal directions by non-purchasing staff.
  31. The College, in making copies of the contract documents available, does so only for the purpose of obtaining bids on completion of the work, and does not confer a license or grant for any other use, therefore does not warrant its completeness and adequacy.
  32. Examination of Site (as applicable). The bidder shall be held to have examined the premises and site and specifications and to have satisfied themselves as to the condition of the premises, obstructions, and other factors necessary for carrying out the work before delivery of their proposal. The bidders shall also acquaint themselves with the character and extent of the College’s operations in the area of the work, so that they may plan their services accordingly. No allowances or extra payment will be made to a Contractor for or on account of costs or expenses occasioned by failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, or by any reason of error or oversight on the part of the bidder, or on account of interference by the College’s or other Contractor’s activities. It shall be expressly understood that the College’s operations will take precedence over any other activity.
  33. Where, not more specifically described in any of the various sections of the specifications, workmanship shall conform to all of the methods, and operations of best standards and accepted practices of the trade or trades involved, and shall include all items required for completion of the services. Personnel skilled, and with appropriate credentials, in their respective lines of work shall execute all work.