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SC4 student murals selected for Seventh Street Mural Project

Seventh Street Mural Project finalists

JR McPhail and Elleanore Arquette, both of Port Huron, are the winners of the Seventh Street Mural Project. The winners were announced Wednesday, Jan. 10 at the awards presentation and reception at the SC4 Fine Arts Theatre. The winning designs were selected by representatives from the Blue Water Young Professionals (BWYP) and the City of Port Huron.

The winning students’ designs will become murals on each side of the north end of Seventh Street Bridge. The BWYP and the city are contracting an artist to complete the installation.

Twenty-seven students from two SC4 classes — Jacqueline Mahannah’s Digital Illustration and Douglas Frey’s Color and Design — submitted designs for the Seventh Street Bridge Mural Project. The BWYP and city of Port Huron narrowed down it down to five finalists in December. The winners, JR McPhail and Elleanore Arquette, each receive $250 awards and the three honorable mentions, Abbey Diller, Taylor Smalley and Shannon Volz, receive $100 awards.

All the SC4 students’ designs will be on display in the SC4 Fine Art Gallery through January 20.

The mural project is a two-part collaborative effort. More than 350 Port Huron fifth-grade students designed and decorated ceramic tiles for the tunnel entrances as the second part of the project. The tiles will be installed by June 30, 2018.

The mural and ceramic tile installation are supported in part by SC4, SC4 Friends of the Arts, BWYP, Port Huron Area Schools, the city of Port Huron and the National Endowment for the Arts.

(Top photo: From left, Abbey Diller, Elleanore Arquette, Shannon Volz, JR McPhail and Taylor Smalley were the finalists for the Seventh Street Mural Project.)

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