Engineering Technology
![Instructor helps an engineering tech student](
Are you interested in hands-on, applied, practical work in design, testing, development, manufacturing, systems development, field engineering, technical operations, process improvement or quality control? At SC4, you can develop and further your knowledge in multiple areas of Engineering Technology by specializing in electronics, engineering graphics/CAD, mechatronics, precision machining, or welding and fabricating.
Explore our offerings and get started today on a path that’s just right for you!
- Engineering Technology Certificate (CERTE)
- Engineering Technology – Electronics (AASER)
- Engineering Technology – Graphics & CAD (AASEG)
- Engineering Technology – Mechatronics (AASEM)
- Engineering Technology – Precision Machining (AASEP)
- Engineering Technology – Welding and Fabricating (AASEW)
“The engineering graphics program provides you with great hands-on training and experience for the workforce.”
Erika Schwanitz