St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education

Veterans services

Veterans services

St. Clair County Community College’s Veterans Services office provides assistance navigating the federal and state programs used by SC4’s veteran and active-duty students.

Call Niall Farley, Veterans and Records Coordinator, at (810) 989-5634 or email him at for assistance.

All student veterans or active-duty personnel attending SC4 will need to request a Joint Services Transcript (JST) for evaluation. Students who have served in the Air Force or Air National Guard will need to request their military transcript from the Air University (Air Force and Air National Guard will be required to pay postage).

SC4 offers priority registration to student veterans, active-duty military personnel, and qualified dependents (i.e. students using transfer of eligibility chapter 33 benefits or chapter 35 benefits). Students must have satisfactory academic standing and meet with the college’s veterans services coordinator in-person, via phone or via Microsoft Teams to qualify. An email providing priority registration instructions is sent to qualified students’ school email accounts before the priority window opens each semester.

For each semester that a student veteran, a qualified dependent, or a Tuition Assistance (TA) student registers for classes with the intention of using military education benefits for tuition payment, the Office of Veterans Services Class Certification Request form must be submitted. This form is the only way that the Veterans Services office knows that a student veteran, a qualified dependent, or an active-duty student wishes to use their VA or TA benefits.

Michigan Veteran Connector logo
MVAA logo
AVEC member logo

Federal benefits

Chapter 30 – Montgomery GI Bill® is a housing allowance-only benefit. Students are expected to pay for their own tuition and books. Veterans using this benefit are paid a housing allowance for the days/weeks they are attending classes.

Chapter 31 – Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) –  Veterans are approved through the Chapter 31 VR&E process by applying on the website using the “apply for education benefits” link. Once a veteran has been approved for funding, that funding will pay for tuition, books, and required supplies, as well as a housing allowance for the days/weeks when the student is attending classes.

Chapter 33 – Post-9/11 GI Bill® – For qualifying veterans, the Post-9/11 GI Bill® will pay tuition, a book stipend, and a housing allowance for the days/weeks when the student is attending classes.

  • Chapter 33 has a transfer of eligibility (TOE) option for a Veteran to transfer the benefit to a spouse or dependent child.
  • Chapter 33 also includes the Fry Scholarship option for dependents of a deceased military parent who passed away due to duties in a hostile environment.

The following items apply to students using their Post-9/11 GI Bill® per PL-116-315 Isakson & Roe Act of 2020:

  • If a student registers for a class but never attends, the SC4 School Certifying Official (SCO) will terminate the student’s registered classes with the VA. The college (SC4) will then bill the student directly for the classes. Any money the student was sent by the VA for books and housing, the VA will require the student to return.
  • Students will have to contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at (888) 442-4551 to self-certify that they are meeting the attendance requirement.
  • If a student stops attending or withdraws at any time during the semester, the SC4 SCO will reduce the student’s registered hours or terminate the semester, whichever is appropriate. Any tuition funding that was sent to SC4 will be returned to the VA, and at that time the college (SC4) will bill the student directly for the amount that was returned to the VA. The student will be contacted by Debt Management to return any book or housing funds that were sent by the VA to the student.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Chapter 35 – Survivors’ and Dependents’ educational benefit  This benefit is for spouses and children of deceased or 100% disabled veterans due to service-related death or injury. Some Chapter 35 students also may qualify for a CVTG benefit.

Chapter 1606 – Selected Reserve, Montgomery GI Bill® – Is a housing allowance-only benefit. Students are expected to pay for their own tuition and books. Students using this benefit are paid a housing allowance for the days/weeks they are attending classes.

Note: CH 30, MGIB-Active Duty or CH 1606, MGIB Selected Reserve beneficiaries are required to verify attendance each month with the VA through W.A.V.E. at

Army & Air Force TA – Applicable to active-duty service members in the Army or Air Force. TA is a tuition-only benefit.

WAWF TA – Applicable to active-duty service members in the Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. TA is a tuition-only benefit.

Note: Students interested in utilizing Tuition Assistance should speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their military service branch prior to enrolling.

Designated Point of Contact (POC) for Tuition Assistance Program (TA), Veterans Affairs education benefits and college services:

Niall Farley
Veterans and Records Coordinator
(810) 989-5634

Located within the Veterans Lounge, Room 101 in the Welcome Center

Designated Point of Contact for financial aid (including Title IV federal financial aid, state aid, and local scholarships):

Josephine Cassar
Executive Director of Financial Assistance
(810) 989-5539

Located in the Financial Aid office, Room 251 in the Welcome Center

Notification of St. Clair County Community College’s schedule for the return of unearned TA funds to the government:

St. Clair County Community College will disperse to the Military Service the proportion of unearned TA funds within two weeks of the notification of a student’s last date of attendance.

6-week Course Withdraw Submitted:

  • Before or during week 1, 100% return
  • During week 2, 68% return
  • During week 3, 52% return (60% of course is completed at 3.6 weeks)
  • During weeks 4 – 6, 0% return

8-week Course Withdraw Submitted:

  • Before or during week 1, 100% return
  • During week 2, 76% return
  • During week 3, 64% return
  • During week 4, 52% return
  • During week 5, 40% return (60% of course is completed at 4.8 weeks)
  • During weeks 6 – 8, 0% return

12-week Course Withdraw Submitted:

  • Before or during week 1, 100% return
  • During week 2, 84% return
  • During week 3, 76% return
  • During week 4, 68% return
  • During week 5, 60% return
  • During week 6, 52% return
  • During week 7, 44% return (60% of course is completed at 7.2 weeks)
  • During weeks 8 – 12, 0% return

14-week Course Withdraw Submitted:

  • Before or during week 1, 100% return
  • During week 2, 86% return
  • During week 3, 79% return
  • During week 4, 72% return
  • During week 5, 65% return
  • During week 6, 58% return
  • During week 7, 51% return
  • During week 8, 44% return (60% of course is completed at 8.4 weeks)
  • During weeks 9 – 14, 0% return

16-week Course Withdraw Submitted:

  • Before or during week 1, 100% return
  • During week 2, 88% return
  • During week 3, 82% return
  • During week 4, 76% return
  • During week 5, 70% return
  • During week 6, 64% return
  • During week 7, 58% return
  • During week 8, 52% return
  • During week 9, 40% return (60% course is completed at 9.6 weeks)
  • During weeks 10– 16, 0% return

Notification of St. Clair County Community College’s process for readmission of service members:

If an active-duty student is given notification of military service, the student needs to contact the college’s Veterans and Records Coordinator as far in advance as is reasonable.

Upon completion of military service, the student has three years to provide oral or written notice of their intent to return to St. Clair County Community College. (A student who is hospitalized or is convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred in relation to their military service has two years from their recovery period to notify the college of their intent to return.)

Service members who follow this process will be readmitted in the next available semester to the same program at the same academic and enrollment statuses they had prior to their leave for military service. Previously earned credit appliable to the program will be recognized.

If the student’s program is no longer offered, the Veterans and Records Coordinator will assist the student in transitioning to the most similar program offered unless the student chooses a different program.

For the above to be applicable, the cumulative length of absences for military service may not exceed five years.

State of Michigan benefits

MING STAP – Michigan Army and Air National Guard – Members or their spouses/dependents can receive a tuition-only benefit of up to $14,400 per academic year.

MING STAP is currently a tuition-only reimbursement program. The application for soldiers and airpersons is available at  

CVTG – Michigan Children of Veterans Trust Grant – Children of deceased or 100% disabled Michigan Veterans may receive a tuition benefit up to $2,800 per academic year for up to four years.

Resources for Veterans

Apply for educational benefits at

Veterans Lounge

The lounge, located in Room 101 in the Welcome Center, is open to all student veterans, active-duty students and military-connected individuals (spouses/partners and dependents). Take advantage of study spaces, computers, free printing, snacks and board games. Lounge hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Health Clinic

SC4 offers an on-campus health clinic operated by the St. Clair County Health Department. Located in Room 211 of the Main Building, clients can be seen by appointment or on a drop-in basis. Call (810) 989-5846 for hours of service.

Mental health support

Veterans Crisis Line

Women Veterans Hotline

  • Call (855) 829-6636, which connects to the Center for Women Vets
  • Visit their website by clicking the link for the Center for Women Vets.

State and local Veterans agencies

  • Connect with the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency for veteran-related news, information on veteran services and resources in Michigan. Learn more at Need help accessing discharge documents, connecting with a Veterans Service Officer or finding a service? Call the Michigan Veterans Resource Service Center at 800-MICH-VET (800-642-4838).
  • The St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs website provides information about veteran benefits for veterans residing in St. Clair County. The office can be reached at (810) 989-6945. Always leave a message; they will call back, or email

Campus resources for SC4 student veterans

  • Niall Farley
    Veterans and Records Coordinator
    (810) 989-5634
    Located within the Veterans Lounge, Room 101 in the Welcome Center. Assists all military-connected students, including academic advising, education benefit certification and general questions.
  • Anne McPherson
    Disability Resources Coordinator
    (810) 989-5558
    Located in the Library and Student Support Center, appointments can be made online.
  • Brenda Rinke
    Director of Academic Support and Student Conduct
    (810) 989-5566
    The Library and Student Support Center provides tools and resources for student success, including tutoring. Visit the Library in the College Center building for assistance.
  • Kim Foxwell
    Student Wellness Manager
    (810) 989-5834
    Student Wellness staff members are available to address student veterans’ individual needs.
  • Carrie Bearss
    (810) 989-5501
    Administers local, state, and federal aid programs and is available to assist student veterans with funding-related questions. Assists with veteran educational benefits, ordering JSTs, advises on program/course enrollment, and helps match up student veterans with local and state services.

PL 115-251 compliance:
Any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Veteran Readiness & Employment), or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending St. Clair County Community College will be charged in-State tuition (regardless of his/her formal state of residence or number of years removed from service).

PL 117-68 compliance:
Any individual using educational assistance under Chapter 35 (Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending St. Clair County Community College will be charged in-state tuition (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).

Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) compliance:
St. Clair County Community College complies with Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) under which covered individuals (i.e. any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Veteran Readiness & Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits) can attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapters 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” also can include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for Chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

St. Clair County Community College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, or any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from VA under Chapters 31 or 33.

Covered individuals wanting to use their educational benefits at St. Clair County Community College are required to submit to the School Certifying Officer (SCO) a completed and signed Request for Certification Form (available via the link provided and in the Veterans Lounge, located in Room 101 in the Welcome Center building). Additionally, covered individuals may be required to provide additional information as necessary to properly certify enrollment.

Additional compliance relating to Section 1018 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315):

Prior to initial enrollment, prospective covered individuals (i.e. those using benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33, or 35 of Title 38, U.S.C., or Chapters 1606/1607 of Title 10) will receive a personalized document containing details relevant to making an informed education decision. Contact Veteran Services Coordinator for details.

St. Clair County Community College (SC4) is committed to working with individual military-connected students who must temporarily suspend studies due to service requirements. Military-connected students who are called to service should contact the Veteran Services Coordinator at SC4 as soon as possible upon receiving orders.

Upon providing orders to the Veteran Services Coordinator, the Coordinator will work with the student’s instructors on a plan for continued studies as appropriate to the length of service requirement. Depending on the timing of the orders, options may include Incomplete grades, independent study, or legal drops.

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