Current or most recent title and employer?
Non-traditional student
How did SC4 help prepare you?
I finished my associate degree at SC4. SC4 helped me identify my academic strengths and weaknesses, and how to navigate toward my long-term professional goals.
What do you like most about what you do professionally?
I’m currently transitioning careers and am yet again in school, but SC4 was the first stepping stone in my professional journey. SC4 was the foundation for my current career path.
Did you transfer on and earn other degrees? If so, what degrees and from where?
I graduated from SC4 in 2016. Afterward, I joined the Navy. After that, I graduated from Tulsa Welding School Jacksonville Professional Welder Program, and now I’m currently an undergraduate Russian language student at Stetson University in Florida.
Alumni Spotlight: Loren Gajda