St. Clair County Community College

High-quality, affordable education

Associate Degree Nursing Transition Program

Associate Degree Nursing Transition Program

This program is for licensed healthcare providers who want to become registered nurses. The program is an accelerated course of study designed to expand upon previous education and experience. Students are expected to apply prior knowledge to all nursing courses.

Applicants must have a current unencumbered Michigan Practical Nurse or Paramedic license. Other Health Care Provider licenses will be accepted on a case-to-case bases. No certificates are accepted in place of State of Michigan licenses.

This link will take you to the current working catalog. On that page, you may also select other available catalog years from the drop-down menu located in the upper right.

Admission Criteria

TypeWeightCriteriaDetailMaximum potential
Merit25%GPA (minimum 2.7)Courses include prerequisites and General Education courses: ADN 123/123L, BIO 272, ENG 100/101, ENG 102, PSY 180, HE 224, HE 101, HE 103, HE 106, HE 210, PS 1014
Merit25%Number of credits toward degreeCourses include: ADN 123/123L, BIO 272, ENG 100/101, ENG 102, PSY 180, HE 224, PS 101, HE 101, HE 103, HE 106, HE 21028
Merit50%HESI score averageMinimum score in all areas tested- 70 average score of five tested areas: grammar, reading comprehension, vocabulary, math, anatomy, and physiology. Critical Thinking is tested but is not part of the admission score.100
Meritn/aSC4 coursesIf seven of the prerequisites and general education courses are completed at SC42
Experiencen/aHealthcare experienceCurrent unencumbered Michigan LPN or Health Care Provider license. Provide evidence of work experience as an LPN or HCP from your most recent employer. Points for those employed within the last 24 months. Email resume or healthcare job experience to nursing 2

Steps to apply for SC4 Nursing programs

  1. Apply to SC4
  2. Apply to a specific health sciences program
    • The deadline is October 1.
  3. Attend a mandatory group advising session for the program of your interest (View upcoming dates and times below.)
  4. Schedule and take the mandatory admission HESI exam.

Questions about HESI Testing?

Transition Nursing Group Advising Sessions

Attending a mandatory Group Advising Session is an important step toward attaining a nursing degree. Please choose the session(s) applicable to your goal and click on the applicable link below at the time listed. Please give yourself time to download and setup the Microsoft Teams app on your computer or device.

March 5, 20253 to 4 p.m.Join Microsoft Teams
May 6, 202510 to 11 a.m.Join Microsoft Teams
June 11, 20253 to 4 p.m.Join Microsoft Teams
August 13, 20253 to 4 p.m.Join Microsoft Teams
September 10, 202510 to 11 a.m.Join Microsoft Teams
November 18, 20253 to 4 p.m.Join Microsoft Teams

Program Cost

Tuition and fees can be found on the Tuition page. Please note there are additional costs for books, uniforms, graduation pins, and the NCLEX exam/license application to consider.

Technology requirements

Following are the technology requirements for taking an online course at SC4:

  • A Microsoft Office 365-compatible laptop or PC with a webcam and microphone.
  • Minimum iOS to support the learning management system (LMS) Canvas and the lockdown browser for testing.
  • Reliable Internet access (dial-up supported, but Cable or DSL (Broadband) preferred)
  • Updated anti-virus software

Please refer to the Online Classes page to review supported browsers and a more detailed list of hardware and software applicable to different systems.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You can check available testing dates and register online on The Pier. Testing is offered in September on SC4’s Port Huron campus.

See an academic advisor to assist with calculating your pre-admission score.

  • Each letter grade has a corresponding grade point. The GPA is calculated as follows: total grade points earned divided by the number of credit hours attempted = GPA. See example:
ClassGradeGrade pointsCredit hours Total grade points

Total: 25.4 divided by 7 = 3.62 GPA

See the catalog for additional information.

You will be notified by mail of your acceptance/placement by the end of October.

As a requirement to participate in clinical, a ten-panel drug screen is completed as part of the admission on-boarding process once accepted into the program.

Yes, more details are provided at the mandatory Group Advising Sessions.

LPNs are eligible to take the NLN challenge exam. LPNs must achieve a 75% or better on drug principles and effects. The challenge exam must be taken prior to the start of the program. You can register online on The Pier. For further information, call the Testing Center Coordinator at (810) 989-5533.

All biology courses, ADN-123, ADN-123L (ADN-203 and ADN-203L accepted if taken within five years), HE-101 and HE-224 must be completed within five academic years of admission to the Nursing Program. See the table below for details.

Transition start date   5-year time limit completion date
Winter 2024Fall 2018 or later
Winter 2025Fall 2019 or later
Winter 2026Fall 2020 or later
Winter 2027Fall 2021 or later

The minimum grade in your General Education/Liberal Art prerequisite courses must be a “C” to be considered for admission.

The minimum grade in your ADN prerequisite courses must be a “B-” to be considered for admission.

Your most recent score must be at least a “C” grade.

For academic programs leading to professional licensure

SC4 Health Sciences Programs prepare students for State and National exams leading to professional licensure. Please be aware that additional steps (background checks, applications, fees, etc.) may be required to apply for licensing in the state of Michigan or other states. It is recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing agency in your state if you are considering an academic program leading to a professional license. To quickly find professional nursing licensure requirements (RN and APRN programs), please visit the Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing. It is your responsibility to understand the requirements in your state of residence.