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Time at SC4 prepared alumnus Lauren Tuckey for professional illustration career

For as long as she can remember, Lauren Tuckey has enjoyed drawing things. Now she’s enjoying seeing her work in print as the illustrator of her first children’s book.

After graduating from Yale High School in 2013, she chose to go to SC4 to save tuition costs and stay close to her family in Port Huron. While taking general education classes, Tuckey also took plenty of art classes on the side.

“In my art classes, I made many of my closest friends,” Tuckey said, “and was able to work on diverse art projects I wouldn’t have been able to do from home. I was featured in and worked on the annual Patterns book, too.”

She learned from her many talented art instructors, as well as other SC4 faculty, but has a special memory of one class that changed her approach to her art.

“Color and Design with Doug Frey was the most beneficial art class I took,” Tuckey explained. “He helped me step out of my comfort zone as an artist and explore techniques and styles that helped me sculpt the more well-rounded style I have now.”

After graduating from SC4, Tuckey had the chance to work with an author from North Carolina, Phil Routszong, to create illustrations for a children’s book titled Hobgoblin Humbug, which was published in October and is available for ordering through Amazon. She also stays busy illustrating custom portraits through her shop on Etsy.

Tuckey is a strong believer in the importance of community colleges.

“Colleges like SC4 are a great asset to students who want to save some money while still gaining a valuable education, experience, and great memories,” she said. “I’m thankful for everything SC4 equipped me with as I move forward as a professional illustrator.”

Photo: SC4 alumnus Lauren Tuckey (right) with author Phil Routszong and their book Hobgoblin Humbug.